
Ethertoff tour introduction

Ethertoff, a collaborative publication tool with several output

osp ethertoff

Markdwon syntax

cheat sheet for markdown

List of things we need to add

  • easy picture loading
  • admin access to be able to delete pads
  • admin access to be able to create new users

Strategy for Venice event

  • creating an account for each student (and not one account per group) to allow collaboration experiement in the editing and use ethertoff not only for a publication purpose
  • you won't have internet during the presentation. How to deal with it?
  • Link to the contour website (short refelection with Natasa and Katelijne)
  • do we want every pads to be shown? or a selected one ?
  • if selection, who does that and how connecting it to the website?
  • if no selection, then a code of conduct can be adrees to the student ? # header

this is italics contour