- Grada Kilomba, Plantation Memories
- Ghassan Hage, Is Racism an Environmental Threat
- Françoise Vergès, Is Anthropocene Racial?
- Eyal Weizman, Hollow Land, chapter "Evacuations: de-colonising architecture"
- Grada Kilomba, interview: White is not a Colour
- Robin Diangelo, talk: Putting racism on the table: Robin Diangelo on white privilege
- Frantz Fanon, Wretched of the Earth, chapter "Concerning Violence"
- James Baldwin & Audre Lorde, "Revolutionary Hope, a conversation between James Baldwin & Audre Lorde"
- Nana Dijo, documentary film
- Decolonial Strategies Today and Limitations of the White Lef, podcast. Guest: Ramón Grosfoguel
- John Pilger, Stealing a Nation, documentary film
- Manthia Diawara, An Opera of the World, film
- Kehine Andrews, The Psychosis of Whiteness (no link yet)
- Seeing White, from podcast series Scene on Radio
- Olivia Rutazibwa, Decoloniser
- George Yancy, Dear white America
- Reni Eddo-Lodge, Reading or podcast, ‘Why im no longer talking to white people about race
- Noel Ignatiev, Abolitionism and "White Studies"