

The text = very agressive, direct Not to be arrogant: exhauted of always giving the same explenation causes a directness Are the questions meant to get this kind of response?

Is the inteviewer white? These questions are recognizable in this debate These queadtions are based on a typical reaction: is she playing a role as the devils advocate? Not personal questions: an extract of society

Dalillia Hermans = adopted into Belgium she is labeled as an angry black woman for intervening in discussions about racism = unfair and easy

Natalia: being of Syrian origin but not being a refugee: she has to handle the refugee context and gets subjectified: she is an agry woman She feels like she is always treated like someone sho is on the sideline looking 'in'

The anger is justified: a constant fight for legitimacy Am I being the perfect kind of human being in order to be a part of it?

People have to do their homework: the questions are very accurate

The answers are well constructed

What does it mean to create a platform to discuss this kind of topic within todays media landscape?

Is acknowledgement of your privilege a privilege in itself? Transformation + stagnation at the same time

Lieven: a lot op hypocrisie towards a lot of people Racist = not per definiton right wing! Left wing people can be racist too! It does not matter on which side you are Ex: S.Pa: banning the hijab in Flanders Hypocrit: they want to get rid of the ban now

Quote: 'White people often ask: “Am I racist?” This is a moral question which is not really productive because the answer would always be “Yes” We have to understand that we are educated to think in colonial and racist structures

Does a minortity has to ask themselves this question too? To be racist = to function in a structure in which racism/colonialism is installed

What does everyday racism mean? Difference everyday racism <-> institutional racism Ex: slavery = institutional racism Everyday racism is a more subtle way of racism Ex: people asking to touch the hair of a black woman Ex: people complimenting a person of color on the quality of their dutch Ex: assumtions that people of color have great danve skills Gabriel: Suggestion for a new term: Racisme Ordinaire

Optimism vs pessimism Do you believe in a future without racism? No
Chantal Mouffe: For a leftist populism The ideal of political environment : There is no ideal state Is a fixed position going back to conservative lifestyle?

Different cultures/identities = racism As long as there is difference, there will be racism

Is racism based on stereotypes and discrimination? Racism is institutionalized Edward Saïd: 'We have to denationalize education' Embrace complexity: We need to see complexity as a strenght

What in your personal and very individual culture do you feel prohibits changes in co-creating new paradigms and stories? Gabriel: a binary structured thought-system does not allow us to grasp the complexity of the real world. Find ways to incorporate this into education. De-nationalize education. Younger generation: much more up-to-date by using something as complex as the internet on a daily base. Il a de la culture: he has culture = he has a lot of knowledge Culture = very personal and individual although it's shared Leander: Roma and Sinti: a very personal aversion against gypsies: can it be changed? Leander thinks yes, first think how to change this? -> in the thought/practical life/everyday life Not easy but the answer in essence is 'yes' change is possible despite his very personal aversion

What is the 'this' in the sentence 'we cannot work like this' Lieven: general inequality (not only racial but on every term like sexism) Leander: structures we are subconsciously producing Robin: the general organization of Western society and all institutions and behaviour within Gabriel: we can not work with/for/withinin structures that embed violence, racism, inequality Mirthe: a general structure of capitalism

What is personal? Culture Does your artictic practice has to be social/personal? It does not have to be one or the other by defenition Our personality = creation of our society People with a social/political practise have a moral obligation / are following a trend in stead of having it as a personal motivation Can you adapt a feeling of dealing with a problematic situation if you are not yourself dealing with this problem in your own life/practise? There should always be a conversation: objectively or subjectively

How to work together? Lieven: we have to put all pride aside (not only white people) because this is the reason we cannot get to a consensus and really listen to what the oppressed have to say. To open a platform where there may be a solution Gabriel: embracing contradiction and complexity: to not necessarily look for a consensus: the process is more important than the goal Mirthe: (Is this a 6 or is this a 9) [https://cloud.contour9.be/apps/files/?dir=/&fileid=1138#//96.jpg]

What does the notion of 'autonomy' mean to you? Working for yourself and not teachers/trends/societal crisis if it is forced upon you Is it possible to be completely autonomous? Autonomy is arrogant and priviledged sometimes Autonomy = having the space to make your own decisions (whatever these are within certain limitations)

What do 'we' belong to?

  • When are you conscious of your own privileges? *

When is your discipline/practise not enough? Are we dealing with a personal practise or a general idea of an artistic practise? When to show something? How to sell an artwork? How to make a name? This question = proposing that we should use our time in a good way and produce things Art = to make a change? Can we make a change when we do nothing? -> title of the alliance = degrowth: anti-capitalistic Douglas Huebler: there are enough objects in the world and I have no mean to add some Remake + remake + remake + contexts + remake = grasping the complexity of society Objects should not by defenition be made but If you can change the context = possible new paradigm Nicolas Bourriaud: Relatable Aesthetics

How do you understand 'future/s'