Talk on decolonisation - White is not a color

Ikram Laurie Celestine Manon Louis

On the text Denial, guilt, shame finally recognition link with Olivia who talks about psychological process

Context Access to privileges by the place where she born she suffer from racism by the color of her skin "where are you really from?" "why you're not integrated?"

Many ways and intersectional point to decolonize school, media, society, works

Fictional links creativity and discovery to interact with people. Fiction could be a way of acting.


What is the 'this' in the sentence 'we cannot work like this' ?

What is personal?

différence entre personnel et intime le personnel fait référence à autrui sans dévoiler notre intimité rapport entre personnel et intime et Olivia on projette son intimité vis à vis de son apparence

Sur le retour au 'this' le this peut faire référence à des préjugés sur le lien personnel et intime

When white people working together, they respect this intimicy space When you say 'where are you really from' you break this intimicy ?

affect with poeple

'this' tools we use tools are politics Computer is politics

How to work without exploiting people, respect the planet the origin of stuffs be conscient, be aware

conscience of what we consume is linked whith conscience of privilegies of our society But maybe be conscience is not enought.

be conscient is the first step act is the second, react 'we can't work like this?' why we use computer for this workshop ??

we consume, we accept, we are here, we are privilegies ethertoff connnects us in the whole world, why we meet us all here ? ok we are physically connected but maybe is not worth it ?

White colour was created during escavagism. Stop being in this power system and be conscient. About priviligies. Ne plus travailler dans un système blanc où il existe cette distinction colorée ? But coloured people can erase them colour. This = the "white" system ?

Decolonisation is an intersectional issue, it not only deals with racism, but also with queerness, misoginy, homophobia… you can't separate all this issue when you think about decolonisation.

About silence. Sometimes the silence is already created, already there. Silence can affects your mental health. it's dangerous to work in a place where silence is already there. Silence is a kind of product. Silence creates social taboo ? You scares about loosing your position, of confronting yourself. We should prevent the reproduction of silence. Silence is a product of capitalism, it's a tool. Colour blindness is a myth. Vicious circle where had to constenty justify yourself and made you in a position of silence. Neutralité est en fait une position de silence, souvent utilisée par les politiciens. The example of "Black face".

Ignorance has nothing to do this maturity. It's a education problem."

She (ndlr: Ikram's teacher) was silented me with problems of white people like domestic violences or mental disease… as I was not touched by those issues but only with racial problem, like "the others students have problem too, your anger is something crazy" "

The harmony is always the confort of the privileges. You have to break the confort you already know. " You have to be happy because there is a progress in those issues : racism, misoginy, queerness, homophobia… were more violent few decades ago." " The fact that Merkel is chancellor does not mean that we reached the end of sexism" Grada Kilomba in "White is not a color".

Testimony is not enought to react, people need proof to react. Voices isn't enough. Perfomative support. Tu supportes cette cause parce que tu as été choqué mais pourtant tu acceptes d'autres situations. Fake support ?

Christina came to our group with a question : What kind of form we can produce and share together ? How can you appropriate those questions, issues, discutions in your own practice ?