On violence: group with Zerin Oral and...
Perception of the test by every person • Agressive • Apology of a terrorist • Problematic • Humorous • Irony • Cynical • The Spanish one: felt bad about it, guilt, violent at the same time interesting, agreeing with it but expressed in a provocative way • What can we do about it? • How can we change the situation, how can we address it • Is it all in the past? • Are we still responsible for what happened in the past • Appealed by the subject and it raised many questions • When reading the text it felt like you heard the author talking loudly about the subject: performatique • Rude • Conlusion: RAISING AWARENESS • The last one should be the first ones • Denouncing violence in own case but when others use violence it becomes bad or questionable • Why do people do what they do to take back what really belonged/belongs to them • Internal struglle • Uncomfortable • Poetic • Complexity of the problem • Complacent to the ignorant violence which is perpetuated or normalized which you don’t see anymore, the article makes it visible • Violence of the system not only externally, but also internally, who discriminate or exclude different group of people
How to address this We discussed pro’s and contra’s of quota’s. Are quote’s justified. And what about talent An example from Brazil was mentioned in which the educational system has had an immense change because of quota’s And the word destruction was used You have to create new structures and DESTRUCT the old
Privilège Privilège change because of migration How you perceive yourself and how the nationals of that country perceive you changes when one is in another country Schizofrenic Being stigmatized in different countries and having different privileges and positions in different countries Which position should I take To which « I, « WE » do I refer then This creates a personal crisis Multiple identities Being aware and grateful for your privileged position but not knowing how to deal with it Which actions can I take as an individual
DECOLONISATION OF THE MIND - a starting point How to address it What to do You can say something wrong quite easily Delicate subject Being white, even if you are critical or aware and you feel guilty, it still keeps a difficult discussion to have
Why is decolonization not mentioned in the past, what makes it now more upcoming Role of the social media, addressing world issues and reaching many all over the world American issues also adressed in Europe: Black Live Matters
Limitations of receources – passing by the ecology, Energy break the systel Define whiteness The white is a creation A fantasy Creature of a creator It is a categorgy of capitalism How to come over that Why do we create white